Electrochemical Measurement Systems
Types of Electrodes
- Glass Electrodes
- H+, Na+, K+, Li+, Ag+ NH4+
- pH Combination Electrodes
- Solid State Electrodes
- Cl-
- Liquid Ion-Exchange
- K+ (valinomycin binds K+ in centre ring)
- Ca2+ (organo-phosphate salt in PVC)
- Compound Gas Electrodes
- pCO2 (Severinghaus CO2 electrode)
- CO2 diffuses past first membrane and alters pH of internal bicarbonate buffer → lowers pH
- pO2 (Clark electrode)
- o2 reduced at platinum cathode, releasing electrons
- pCO2 (Severinghaus CO2 electrode)
- Enzyme Electrodes
- Non-ionic compounds
- Glucose, urea, etc.
- Measure ions generated from enzymatic reactions